Seller Central Data (SP API)

SellerMetrics is able to connect to your Seller Central account data via SP API. This allows us to take the entire view of your Amazon business and allow us to provide you a more holistic metrics such as TaCoS% and Organic to PPC Sales ratio.

To connect your SP API data, once you sync your account with us you will be taken to the "Dashboard" screen. On this screen, you will click "Connect to SP API"
Clicking on this button will take you to the "Connect Marketplace" screen. The screen will look like the below.

Make sure you are login on to the correct Seller Central account. Then click on the "Connect with SP-API" button
It will then take you to the authorization screen, at this point you will click on the check box and click confirm. The SP API will probably take the next day to completely sync.
Once all data has been synced, the dashboard will look like the below with the Seller Central data metrics visible along with the TaCoS% metrics.
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