How do I Add my Amazon Account, Store, and Marketplace to SellerMetrics?

As a Seller

Login into your primary SellerCentral account. On the dashboard click "Settings" >> "User Permission".

On user permission, go to add new user section. Invite the new user by entering the "Name" and "Email" (email of the login with Amazon account) then click Send Invitation.

An invite will be sent to the email address used in the invite. Open the email and click on the link.

The invited user will create a new Amazon account "Create your Amazon account" with the email of the invitee (ie

Once this is created, the primary user will go back to their user permission, and click on "Manage Permission" on the invitee. Go to the "Advertising" section, on the Campaign Manager row select the "View & Edit" option. Go to the bottom of the page and click "Save"

You are done! Keep in mind that even though it is set up on Seller Central, it will take almost one full day for the new account to appear on SellerMetrics.

As a KDP Author

Go to your Amazon ad console, on the nav bar click on "Access and settings"

On the "Access and settings" click "Invite user"

Enter the invitee email, and other access permission, then click "Invite" on the top right

An invite will be sent to the email address used in the invite. Open the email and click on the link.

The invited user will create a new Amazon account "Create your Amazon account" with the email of the invitee (ie

You are done! Keep in mind even though it is set up on your Amazon ads console, it will take almost one full day for the new account to appear on SellerMetrics.

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